ibiza healing

photo Emma Andrea
I touched ground, I fell in love. I have been in love with Ibiza for many years now. I have found and lost love here too. Ups and downs make me glow, being alive is a purpose in itself.
It is an energy, a vibe. Nothing one can define, or should analyse. It is. A Scorpio island that welcomes hippies, jetset, local farmers, beach tourists. A small micro cosmos. Live and let live is true here.
Ibiza is known for decadence, but I will tell you the tale of the beautiful countryside, the agroturismos, the retreats and spiritual stuff going on.
A hidden heartbeat.
Join me up north where the pine forests shines in green, the grounds smell of thyme and rosemary. Where the earth is deep red and nurturing olive groves and abundant fruit farms. Where the meadows bare colours of the rainbow and the jade eyed cats roam free in the night.
Sandy beaches, small coves, cliffs and everything in between. Naked and free I chose depending on how I feel. How I can find happiness on that particular day. That is what you need to tune into on the island, not only when it comes to picking the beach of the day. Accepting the constant changes, constant movements of energies and emotions.
Everywhere I find different people, nothing homogenous about this little place on earth. The farmers, catholic and mellow, treated the 1960ies hippies, escaping war and horror, with generosity. The rich land providing for all. Embracing.
It still does.
People live long here, get old, they live healthy. My raw food enthusiastic friend Anette Berg’s health improved miraculously since she moved to Ibiza. Joan Planells, my local friend and owner of the agroturismo Can Planells, sees it as absolutely natural when I ask him what he thinks of the whole idea of the island being a bit special. It seems that the fertile soil and the magnetic fields are, yes they just are.
Naturally magical.
Healers, shamans and yogis thrive here too. The island itself is a healer, you can feel it. And the goddess of this island is told to be fair but honest, so island life can be both sweet but also tough. Faye Reason who works with reiki healing says: “Ibiza amplifies my work because it is full of crystal, a natural amplifier, and can help to emphasise and direct energy”.
If you know your way around you can probably find more than a hundred healers on this island. All amazing at what they do, their particular skill.
Take a sharp left, pass a pink stone on your right, drive for four more minutes and through the small forest… I step out of the car and I see fifteen beautiful people shining, they are doing a massage clinic. Sharing knowledge from all corners of Mother Earth, from all walks of life.
It looks like a fairytale, north Ibiza. A handful of tiny villages, tiny dirt roads, tiny distances. Well-kept farms and spiritual pockets. Infinite amounts of energy and nutrition for your body and your heart.
Someone whispers in my ear that her concept for living spiritually is simple – stay in the heart, breathe into the heart, listen to the heart and feel with the heart.
Welcome to Ibiza.
Petra Dokken
Independent writer, creative editor and traveller, Petra Dokken is based in Sweden but has lived and loved in many big cities over the years. Working with fashion and travels. Telling stories. Interacting with minds in the cities and minds by the sea, feelings on the mountains and thoughts in the desert…
More about Petra
Photos by Emma Andrea

photo Emma Andrea

photo Emma Andrea

photo Emma Andrea

photo Emma Andrea

photo Emma Andrea