burcu büyükünal

photos Firat Akarsel
Burcu Büyükünal born in 1980, Ankara, Turkey is graduated from Industrial Design Department of Istanbul Technical University in 2003. She is now a part-time instructor and PhD candidate in Art History at Istanbul Technical University and runs her own studio which promotes a new concept of jewelry in Turkey.
Her work is inspired by the contemporary beauty’s perception. She wants to question the conventions and societal norms relating to body. “Terrifying Beauty” and “Osternsible” are two projects challenging our personal relationships with adornment and fashion As the designer explains it : “I want my work to surprise and challenge people to inspire questioning. Suggesting something extreme, unusual, and irrational is my strategy”.
“Terrifying Beauty” is a jewelry collection inspired by plastic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is now part of the mass culture and Burcu Büyükünal imagines four facial pieces to focus on this trend : “I create four pieces distorting the face in an unlikely way, contrasting the purpose of traditional jewelry”.
Burcu Büyükünal also created “Osternsible” a serie of clothes. This project is for her “a conceptual work that focuses on fashion trends and perceptions of beauty. It explores body and dress as a medium to construct one’s identity. It is a critical approach to understand trends in fashion and beauty and their connection to self-construction.”
Both projects are research on our beauties conventions; they suggest an alternative and provocative way somehow very fetishist.
Sophie Hérolt Petitpas
Sophie Hérolt Petitpas is a french journalist free lance found of design and lifestyle. Sophie is also passionate by astrology and its mythical and symbolic aspects. Curious and sensitive, she loved linking and describing her trend hunting with the eyes of mythology in her blog.

photos Firat Akarsel

photo Umut Töre

photos Umut Töre