




photo by grijs



“.    .  .       . I’m someone who is very passionate about the things we create

and how they are  reflections of our brain , of who we are

In January 2007 i started  grijs

a weblog on design , to share my passion for beauty

.  .  .    .    a number of events lead me to name my web space grijs

the most important one : a photograph in a newspaper  the day after 9-11-2001

It was a picture of the collapsed twin towers seen from above in colour.

What fascinated me in that picture was how beautiful those colours were.

How they all blended into each other. To become one  , but you could still retrace  the different colors

+ I thought it was important to highlight the colour grey not just as a colour

but also as a concept  , a way of thinking , to be subtle

The grey then was a mid grey , i’ve now moved on to a lighter grey

a grey that is almost transcendent.

This partly explains why i love grey

My guess is that sensory sensitive brains like these colors because they are

of low impact .

At least my brain feels at best surrounded by grey tones.”






photo by grijs

Lila says :
2011-04-09 14:10:40
Grijs is one of my top favorite blog. She has a unique sense of showcasing serene inspirational photos. It is a wonderful surprise to see her blog mentionned here. Lila from Un lieu sur terre.