india flint


india flint

photos and design by india flint



India Flint is a visual artist, specializing in natural dyeing techniques in the deep south of the Australia. She uses bio-regional and ecologically sustainable dyes from windfallen leaves, bark, and earth pigments with cloth, paper, felt, and weaving. The artist was recently featured in our Bloom magazine. On the subject of handmade objects, she writes:


“in my travels i am finding more and more that people are searching for “meaning in handmaking”

and wanting to learn how to use their hands again

to have the satisfaction of creating an object for themselves


for myself, the return to constructing cloth through weaving

is a meditation

forming the cloth line by line

thread by thread

i work white or undyed

and then

at the end


dye the hand woven cloth “path” with leaves








weaving and ochre india flint

weaving and ochre india flint


photos and design by india flint

photos and design by india flint