how we work #DDW2014
In the book How We Work, photographer Inga Powilleit and styling director Tatjana Quax show the daily practice of the new generation of designers; how they work and what are their sources of inspiration and work processes? The book is presented during the Dutch Design Week (18 till 26 October) in Eindhoven.
Since Dutch Design became a worldwide concept, these Dutch designers go new ways. Research about the role and function of design is the starting point for this committed generation. The same question keeps popping up: what to do with the surplus? Material, techniques and the design process are changing. Innovation arises through experiment. These fifteen designers look around and ask themselves: how can I act differently?
The explorative work methods of these young designers lead to new insights, processes and solutions. Arts and crafts are reviewed on their merits, material and color research go hand in hand with the latest production techniques and innovations. High quality and durability in response to mass and overproduction.
This generation is a new sort of world citizen: international and locally orientated, curious, pragmatic and idealistic.
In addition to the book, the exhibition How We Work opens in January 2015 until May 2015 at the Stedelijk Museum ‘s-Hertogenbosch. The exhibition displays the faces of designing, from the research and work process to the finished product in the end. One object of each designer can be seen with the aim of giving visitors an insight how designers work and think.
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