glass & sugar

photo by poldo pomés
Spain is one of the most logical country when one want to speak of food and of design. Last month Barcelona was the place to be to discover a very special event.”oh!BCN” is an independent project under the framework of the Barcelona Design Festival. The speakers and all the participants came from gastronomy, design and glass crafts, arts background and trend research.This experience was made of surprising conferences, creative workshops, exhibitions and gastronomic tours.This “happening” was based around the unusual association of food and glass….
The right intersection : there are a lot of similarities between glass and sugar , and this is were it got interesting. Albert Adria (brother of Ferran) showed new products for the new Adrià’s restaurant in Barcelona. The pastry chef Crhistian Escrobà made fascinating demonstrations. Teams were build up and they developed concepts and products…
A special thank to Mayi Pazos who provided us this information

photo by poldo pomés

photo by poldo pomés

photo by poldo pomés

photo by poldo pomés

photo by poldo pomés